• Blog

    “But you’re not fat…”

    I’ve had a few comments lately about my caption, “from couch potato to dive professional,” and when I explain that I’m not exactly fit, it’s usually countered by, “but you’re not fat,” or “you’re in better shape than most divers.” While technically, the latter statement may be true, I’m nowhere near as fit as I want to be for the type of diving I want to do. But let’s take a step back and see how I ended up in 42” jeans…

  • Blog,  Diving

    My Journey So Far

    In the “Why the Blog?” post, I summarised how I got into diving, stopped diving, and subsequently started diving again after a 4088 day surface interval. The plan, as it stands, is to become an instructor and head into technical diving. The steps to becoming an instructor sound simple enough: Dive Guide Dive Master Assistant Instructor Instructor  Of course, that’s just the beginning of the dive professional journey. I should probably mention at this point – without getting into agency wars – that I’m training on the SSI pathway.

  • Blog,  Powerboating

    My Powerboat Journey, part 2.

    My Powerboat Journey, part 2. In part 1 of my Powerboat Journey, we looked at what it took to get to the RYA Advanced Powerboat course. Two years later, I finally managed to organise and take the exam to be able to get it commercially endorsed. This is a big milestone for me and it feels like a massive achievement – on par with my photography master or the boatbuilding diploma. Prerequisites There were a number of courses I needed in order to be able to take the commercial exam: Professional Practices & Responsibilities Sea Survival First Aid VHF PP&R was an online course that, while put together quite well,…

  • Blog,  Powerboating

    My Powerboat Journey, part 1

    Two years after taking the RYA Advanced Powerboat course, I finally managed to organise and take the exam to be able to get it commercially endorsed. This post will outline what it took to get ready to take the exam, part 2 will cover becoming an instructor and finally taking the exam.

  • Blog,  Self-Improvement

    New year, improved me

    Goals, not Resolutions 2023 was a great year. At least, the second half was. But as everything fell into place, 2024 started looking like it’s going to be an awesome year. I wanted to capitalize on that good vibe, so I went back to a book I read a couple of years ago: Michael Hyatt’s Your Best Year Ever. When I originally read that book, I didn’t follow through with the suggestions fully, but still had some success. This year, I’ve decided to pull the goal-setting regimen from the book and see how well I can stick with them this year. S.M.A.R.T.E.R Goals Everyone has probably heard about S.M.A.R.T. goals…